If you want to live abundantly you can’t live in a scarcity mindset.
Most people don’t even realize they’re living this way but unfortunately most of us are.
Over the past 11 years I’ve been in thousands of homes across the United States, and there is one consistent theme: We all have too much stuff and we simply aren’t living well because of it!
The belief that we need more has led us to an alarming amount of waste nationwide, a rise in health problems and an overall lack of fulfillment in life.
To live abundantly means a steady flow of good health, happiness, career fulfillment, healthy relationships and never wanting for anything.
Never worrying about how something is going to happen.
Knowing that you will be provided for and not allowing the fear of the unknown shape your daily choices.
Your mindset is where it all begins and ends.
You have the power to create the abundant life we are all here to live.

When I’m helping my clients simplify I always start off asking the same question.
“Why is it hard for you to part with this item?”
Ask yourself that same question!
If your answer matches one of these examples, you’re living in a poverty or lack mindset.
It’s time to change your thinking and simply let it go.
“I spent a lot of money on it.”
This sends a message to you and the universe that you won’t have the money later to repurchase it or something better.
Release the attachment to the money that you spent and know that there will always be more when you need it.
“I got that on sale.”
This sends a message that you can’t afford something if it were full price – or even worse that you won’t find another sale. That spins you into a cycle of buying everything you see on sale.
“I don’t want to be wasteful.”
Someone out there needs it more than you and can actually put it to use immediately rather than letting it sit in your basement. That’s wasteful.
“My friend gave it to me for Christmas and I don’t want to offend her but I don’t really like it.”
It’s ok that you don’t like it but someone out there will. Re-gift it or donate it. Believe me your friend does this too.
“I’m afraid they will discontinue it.”
So, you bought it in bulk and one year later they’ve created a new and improved version but you’re stuck with 10 of the old ones sitting in storage. Your fear led you to more spending and more waste.

As you can see these answers all have something in common: They are all based in fear.
Fear leads to stress and anxiety which leads to poor health and bad decision making. Making more conscious choices based on what you really need, and not based in fear will change your life and stop the cycle of purchasing and purging.
Once you get simplified you must work on how to stop the cycle and change your thinking.
If you can have honest dialogue with yourself and simply ask the question ‘why’ before you purchase something, you will likely cut back on spending by half or more.
When I first started doing this I was amazed at how much time I was wasting running to the store only to realize I really didn’t need to go. I had to dig much deeper and get real about my relationship with money.
Over time I discovered why I felt the need to run out and get something I thought I needed, and began doing the hard work to change my thinking patterns. I had some deep-rooted beliefs that were holding me back from my abundance. It wasn’t easy but I was determined to make this shift.
To start making these changes ask yourself this question; “What’s my relationship with money?”
I once had a business mentor ask me that question. It was so difficult for me to answer. It seemed so broad.
I also instantly believed that I had a good relationship with money but that wasn’t entirely true.
To find the answer, you must go a little deeper. Ask yourself some questions and visualize your purchasing habits.
Do you run out to purchase something the minute you get paid? If so, you’re living in a lack mentality.

You have a fear that money may not come again therefore blocking your abundance and the ability to attract more. You actually end up wasting money and time that could have been used in other areas causing more stress and anxiety.
It’s a vicious cycle but it can be changed and you hold the key to making it all happen.
So how exactly do you make the change in your thinking?
You have to train yourself. You must reprogram your mind.
Our brains are basically computers taking imprints and shaping our lives around those imprints. We have the ability to manipulate those imprints and create the reality we wish to experience.
We can stop the cycle of allowing our things and fear of lack to take over our lives.

In Sanskrit the word Sakara means “thoughts become things.”
Kundalini yogis, meditation practitioners and modern day linguists all agree this works.
To quote Oprah “The manifestation of thoughts into things, reflects the idea that we are the agents of change in our own lives.”
Now, while it’s true that our words and thoughts help shape our reality, it does go a bit deeper.
The real shift in your reality begins to happen only after you truly 100% believe in what you’re saying. Words are powerful tools as we reshape our thinking but the real power comes from the intention behind the words.
Believing it and feeling it is the ignition to the engine. Once that happens you will be amazed at the way your life opens up.
You will no longer feel the need to purchase out of fear or hold onto things out of fear – therefore allowing you to spend your time and money in more productive and abundant ways.

Here are a few daily mantras you can try to help change your thinking and manifest the life you are meant to live.
(If it doesn’t resonate with you create one of your own or do a little research for one that does.)
“Money flows freely to me.”
“I am always attracting abundance.”
“I naturally attract good fortune.”
“I am financially free.”
“I choose to live a rich and full life.”
“I am worthy of all the riches I desire.”
After a week of repeating your mantra, if you find it next to impossible to even start believing it, start thinking of how you are already abundant.
We all have something to be grateful for and gratitude lends to the process of attaining an abundant mindset.