Simplify Your Way to Abundance

If asked, could you create an inventory list of everything you own? Chances are most of you...

Using Feng Shui to Master the Law of Attraction

Did you know that 33% of the Law of Attraction depends on your home environment!? I know, it's...

Creating a bedroom oasis

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary. A place to restore, relax and inspire. This room is the...

Hello! I’m Di!

di headshot

Hi, I’m Diana Firth. Ten years of living life as an organizer, stager, and designer in the DC Metro area gave me a perspective on how people are  living and a new perspective on how I can help. My aim is to assist you in creating a home to better focus your energy, balance your life, and manifest your greatest desires. Using the arsenal of tools I’ve gained over the years both professionally and personally I incorporate the art and science of Feng shui, color psychology, meditation, aromatherapy, and more.

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Simplify Your Way to Abundance

Simplify Your Way to Abundance

If asked, could you create an inventory list of everything you own? Chances are most of you answered no. What if I told you that part of the reason you are not getting the things that you want in your life is locked up in the stuff surrounding you? I was once guilty...

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Grief and Letting Go

Grief and Letting Go

I often talk about the art of letting go and it’s something I whole-heartedly believe is the key to future abundance. Though, I have yet to touch on the topic of letting go through grief. “Life can be both painful and exquisite.” It’s through the pain that our hearts...

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Mindfulness & Mindful Design

Mindfulness & Mindful Design

“Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It’s about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment.” - Jon Kabat-Zinn Before I can dig into Mindful Design I first want to be sure you have an accurate understanding of what Mindfulness is. Although it’s...

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Let Go, or Be Dragged

Let Go, or Be Dragged

Learning to let go is one of the first steps to living a simpler life. Letting go can mean a number of things. Letting go of physical things is obvious but we also need to know how to let go of our expectations and fixed outcomes to things. Nothing in nature is...

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Simplify For Self Care

Simplify For Self Care

Over the past 10 years I have had the honor of working with so many amazing people. Living in the DC metro area brings the opportunity to meet many people from across the globe and others who have spent their careers abroad. These same people have many unique and...

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It’s All About The Chi

It’s All About The Chi

Your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner self. Take a look around your home. What story does it tell? Is it calm and inspiring or do you see a lot of chaos? Maybe you just aren't feeling the same vibe anymore or maybe you love your decor but still feel...

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What I Do

Simplifying & Organizing

Simplifying is the starting block to all home improvement and a great way to start ushering in the abundant life you desire. A simplifying session with me involves digging into what’s really holding you back and getting rid of the clutter that’s blocking the abundant life you deserve.

Staging & Design

I believe the home should be a complete sensory experience. The sights, sounds, smells, and feeling of the things we surround ourselves with all work to create the feelings we have about our homes and ourselves. By incorporating function, aesthetics, and wellness I help you design a home that inspires you to live your best life.

Color Consultations

The psychology of color is something that influences us on a daily basis. Understanding the best colors for your home is not only an art, it’s a science and can affect many areas of your life. The proper use of color creates the harmony, peaceful relaxation, and inspiration we all crave in our homes.

Sacred Spaces

Meditation is one of the healthiest things you can incorporate into your daily life. Now that we are spending more time at home, it’s even more important to have a sacred space just for you. During our Sacred Spaces consultation, we will tap into what you need to deepend your meditation experience to better enhance your life