Vintage Decor – Miss Pixies

Vintage Decor – Miss Pixies

I have a love affair with anything vintage. From, lamps to chairs to vases and more. I try to incorporate vintage pieces into my designs when I can. I come from a long line of "collectors." From my great, great grandmother down they treasured and kept furniture, decor...

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Staging Sells

Staging Sells

Staging sells your home faster and for more money. Whether you are living in your home for the duration of the sale or staging a vacant home, these are the things you must consider when preparing your home for the market. The first and most crucial point to make is...

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Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung and it's time for some spring cleaning! Each year when spring is emerging the mind and body emerge too. We are now ready to clear away the clutter that has accumulated as we enjoyed nesting during the winter months. So much stuff in so many rooms...

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